Be sure to note the use of the garage door four points
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- 发布时间:2015-11-06 16:50:22
- 访问量:2104
Quality China 2018·Zhejiang Expo
【概要描述】Name: Quality China 2018·Zhejiang Expo
Date: June 14-16, 2018
Venue: Hotel El Panama Convention Center & Casino
CCPIT Zhejiang
Panama Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture
- 分类:News
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- 发布时间:2018-05-21 01:09
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Many times consumers do not pay attention to safety of everyday use, that high safety garage door, and what accident does not happen, for safety reasons, we would like to get off the doors using the universal thing to note four points:
1) After receipt of the remote control and key personnel demonstrates install remote control and manual key switch door.
2) Please installer after the installation is complete door body is commissioning, remote control and key before the handover, warranty card running smoothly.
3) prohibit the operation of the door do not see where operating the remote control, in order to avoid accidents or garage door open by mistake.
4) The door is running prohibited person or an object from below through the door, or at the bottom of the door to stay.
Finally, when choosing to buy a quality assurance products, professional technical team and timely for customers to remove all the fault of the company.
Motor de Porta europeus
Motor para Porta Seccionais
Motor para Porta de Enrolar
Motor para Porta Deslizante
Portão de garagem
Beidi Smart Science
Address: No.1, Xingliang East Road, Anli, Leliu, Shunde, Guanddong, China.
Fax:86-757-28888978 Fax:86-757-28891213
TEL: Mr.Ou: 86-13590663388 Michael: 86-13794620389